Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fist Maui Adventure

I popped up at five, like a piece of toast. My honey prefers to doze.
I groped my way up the blackened stairs and fondled my way to the bathroom for a beach towel. I did the 'sleepwalk' to the upper patio, slipped the screen door open and lit the outdoor candle. Laying down, on the chaise lounge at 5:15 a.m. I began to count the stars.
1, 2, 3, Is that Orion's Belt? It must be. Wow,what a good start . . plus 17 more.
Dan wakens we munch poached eggs, strawberry guava jam on toast and we're on the road by eight.
North to Lahaina, Napili and Kapalua. It is real high densitity; one multi storied cement monstrosity after another. Where do the Hawaiian people live? The winding road is teeming with 'athletes'.
Dan's great quote: "People on Maui Do, Do, Do and all that doo-doo."

We settle onto a quiet beach and let the waves soothe our reservations. The surf is pretty rough, we watch the surfers and kick back. Chips, salsa and a Keoki Sunset to keep the energy up, We move along, exploring Oneloa Beach then lunch at The Gazebo. Fifteen tables overlooking the beach, nice seafood and very Halloweeny. Boo!
We retrace our steps back South and drive to the end of the road at Makena. Listening to Hawaiian music, our Girl from Anahola,it is more like Kauai here: a one lane road along the ocean, a fish taco truck.
Home to watch the Cleveland Indians lose and reflect on a lovely day.
My only yoga was an Ujjayi Breath, inhaling to the count of eight (pause)and exhaling to the count of twelve.
I planned to paint, but it was too windy on the beach. It will happen.
Another awe inspiring sunset, why paint!?

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